Monday, January 23, 2012

Everleigh Goes Western

Saturday we were bored, so we piled the girl into the car and went thrifting. We stumbled on a few neat thrift stores (and one really strange one), and of course by the time we located said thrift stores, Everleigh had fallen asleep in the car. So Scott and I took turns looking in the stores while the other sat outside with little Evie (trust me, this kid does MUCH better if you go ahead and let her sleep).

I found a few cool steals--a sweet yellow onesie for Ev, some neat vintage fabric for $2 (do hear a craft project calling?), and this adorable little boys western shirt. I just couldn't pass it up. When I washed it up and tried it on her, I was blown away by her cuteness ;) and also her resemblance to her dad when he was little. He said, "it's like looking at myself, but little and a girl"...well said, honey.

 My take was that she basically looked like a little art-school chic and really just needed some fashion glasses and a bike with a  basket to complete the look. Work it, girl. PS: she also discovered through Grandma that she LOVES suckers.

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