Monday, June 6, 2011

Mommy Job Hazard: A Rooster Might Get You

If you had asked me last week how likely this was to happen to me (scale of 1 to 10) I'd have probably said  0. If you're from good ole' Missouri like me, you probably would agree. If you're not and you think everyone in Missouri lives on farms and such you may take a different bet.

And yet there I was. Attacked by a rooster.

Here's my amazing tale ;)

My husband and I were visiting relatives in "the country"--a 15 minutes drive from Columbia, MO for a family reunion. Yes, they had some chickens and a couple sheep. Since Everleigh is WAAAYYY into animals right now, I thought she'd love to check out the little lambs. I asked the 4 year old second cousin who lives there to be our guide. I could have probably chosen a little wiser.

So out we go (with Ev on my hip). We walked passed the chickens, looking but avoiding contact. We headed towards the lambs, when all of the sudden Allison (the 4 year old) says, "oh no! Here comes the mean one. I'm scared." The rooster stared at us, then crowed. I asked Alli if she wanted me to pick her up. She said YES.

So there I was with a baby on each hip, trying to slllloooowwly ease away from the rooster. Just easing away. nothing to see here. When he comes flying at us. I took off running. He pecked me over and over--probably 4 or 5 separate attacks as I made a beeline for the porch with the girls. Upon arriving to safety, I noticed blood trickling down my leg. He got me.

I'm okay, but I have about 5 or 6 bruised/scraped areas where he pecked me or clawed me, and one small beak-shaped puncture where he got me good. I didn't know to kick him. I'm new to this. Yes, I'm from Missouri but I live in the middle of the freaking city people. My view is of downtown. I'm not familiar with this whole cock-fighting thing.

But now I know. And knowing is half the battle right? Next time I'll be ready :)

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